- Fall dormancy: 4
- Winter hardiness: 2
- Yield potential: 2
- Forage: 2
- Silage: 2
- Hay: 1
- Grazing: 5
- Stand persistence: 3
- Root type: tap
- Regrowth rate: 1
- Traffic tolerance: NR
- Salt tolerance: germ
Allegiant® Supreme
Very good quality that moves east and west well on high-management operations.
- Fall dormancy: 4
- Disease resistance index score: 35/35
- Winter hardiness: 2
- Best use:
Product characteristics


Disease tolerance
- Anthracnose-Race 1: HR
- Anthracnose-Race 5: NR
- Aphanomyces-Race 1: HR
- Aphanomyces-Race 2: HR
- Bacterial Wilt: HR
- Fusarium Wilt: HR
- Phytophthora Root Rot: HR
- Verticillium Wilt: HR
- Disease resistance index: 35/35

Insect tolerance
- Pea Aphid: R
- Spotted Alfalfa Aphid: R
- Blue Alfalfa Aphid: NR
- Stem Nematode: R
- North Root-knot Nematode: NR
- South Root-knot Nematode: NR